If you have small children, you probably pay close attention to the sites they visit when they are on the Internet. Of course, you can't always be there to watch over their shoulders any time they are online. Internet Explorer has a built-in solution to this with its content controls. You can use these controls to limit the types of content your child sees on the Web. In order to prevent unauthorized changes being made to the controls you set, Internet Explorer allows you to password-protect this feature. When you password protect content controls, only you will have the ability to make changes to the content your child is allowed to view online
Put a Password on Internet Explorer
1.Start Internet Explorer, then go to the 'Tools' heading on the toolbar. Click on 'Internet Options.'
2.Select the 'Content' tab.
3.Click on the 'Enable' button.
4.Select the top most option i.e. "ICRA3", then click on 'OK.'
5.Choose a password when Internet Explorer asks you to do so. Type the password into the provided field.
6.Advise a hint for yourself. This hint will help you remember your password should you ever forget it. Type the hint into the box provided for this purpose.
7.Hit the 'OK' button. Your content controls on Internet Explorer are now password protected. No one except you can access these controls to change them. You will be prompted for your password any time you want to make changes to your content controls.
Put a Password on Internet Explorer
1.Start Internet Explorer, then go to the 'Tools' heading on the toolbar. Click on 'Internet Options.'
2.Select the 'Content' tab.
3.Click on the 'Enable' button.
4.Select the top most option i.e. "ICRA3", then click on 'OK.'
5.Choose a password when Internet Explorer asks you to do so. Type the password into the provided field.
6.Advise a hint for yourself. This hint will help you remember your password should you ever forget it. Type the hint into the box provided for this purpose.
7.Hit the 'OK' button. Your content controls on Internet Explorer are now password protected. No one except you can access these controls to change them. You will be prompted for your password any time you want to make changes to your content controls.